Research and projects
Research topic summaries
Electron tomography for nanocrystals using incoherent electrons
Spectroscopic electron tomography (4D ET) using EELS/EFTEM
Electron induced x-ray emission tomography
and more
Nanopatterning of glasses
Nanocomposite glasses
Atomic scale spectroscopy
Loading of CeO2 into simulated nuclear glasses.
Ceria nanoparticles and surfaces at atomic resolution
Ceria nanorods and nanoaggregates
Stability of ceria nanostructures
EPSRC project on ceria nanostructures
EPSRC project on masked ion Implantation of Co into silica
Irradiation stability of nanoparticles
Irradiation patterning
Irradiation induced salt-to-metal transformation of nanomaterials
Novel HA-based gel and paste materials for biomedical applications
DTI and FP7 projects on nano-HA.
Plasmon imaging
In-situ TEM alloy-reactions