Hydroxyapatite nanostructures

Research topic summary page

Nanocharacterisation of hydroxyapatite and related particles or pastes

In a nutshell:

(i) 3D reconstruction of nanoparticles by tomography (roundish vs rod-shaped or disk-shaped).

(ii) Electron Microscopy of nanoparticles/nanocomposites; characterisation of aqueous nanoparticle pastes in dry and wet environment.


  • D. Devaprakasam, P.V. Hatton, G. Möbus, B.J. Inkson,
    Nanoscale Tribology, Energy Dissipation and Failure Mechanisms of Nano- and Micro-silica particle-filled polymer composites
    Tribology letters 34 11-19 (2009)

  • W. Guan, G. Möbus, C. Hill, P. Hatton, W. Austin, E. Lester, N. Botterill, D. Grant
    Nanometrology of hydroxyapatite nanostructures via tomography
    Microscopy and Microanalysis 18 Issue S2, (2012)

  • W. Guan, G. Möbus, P. Hatton, W. Austin, E. Lester
    3D Reconstruction of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles and Plates
    Proceed. Europ.Microsc.Congr., Manchester 1 (2012)

  • C J Wilcock, M Fatima, P Gentile, G P Stafford, C A Miller, Y Ryabenkova, Günter Möbus, P V Hatton
    Antimicrobial properties of silver-doped nanoscale hydroxyapatite bone graft substitutes
    J Tissue Engineer Regener Medicine 8 243-244 (2014)

  • Veronika Hruschka, Stefan Tangl, Yulia Ryabenkova, Patrick Heimel, Dirk Barnewitz, Günter Möbus, Claudia Keibl, James Ferguson, Paulo Quadros, Cheryl Miller, Rebecca Goodchild, Wayne Austin, Heinz Redl, & Thomas Nau
    Comparison of nanoparticular hydroxyapatite pastes of different particle content and size in a novel scapula defect model
    Nature Scientific Reports 7 , 43425 (2017)

  • Y. Ryabenkova, A. Pinnock, P.A. Quadros, R.L. Goodchild, G.Möbus, A. Crawford, P.V. Hatton, C.A.Miller
    The relationship between particle morphology and rheological properties in injectable nano-hydroxyapatite bone graft substitutes
    Materials Science and Engineering C 75 1083–1090 (2017)

    In collaboration with Dentistry School/Univ Sheffield, Univ Nottingham, Ceramisys Ltd (UK), Fluidinova Ltd (Portugal).